All you need to know about MSDs
In France, Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) represent 87% of occupational diseases. In this article, find out more about MSDs.

Japet – Evolution of exoskeletons in companies
Benoit Sagot-Duvauroux, head of GOBIO – Europe Technologies, explains everything about the evolution of exoskeletons in companies.

Standardization of exoskeletons
Yonnel Giovanelli, AFNOR expert and head of the Ergonomics & Organisational and Human Factors department at the SNCF, explains everything about the standardization of exoskeletons.

The exoskeleton’s biomechanical impact
Mélissa Moulart, a biomechanical engineer at the Japet science centre, explains the exoskeleton’s biomechanical impact.

All you need to know about low back pain
The Japet team met with Dr. Zairi, a spine surgeon, to learn more about low back pain.

Medical CE, the guarantee for an exoskeleton without risk to the health and safety of users
In this webinar, Damien Bratic, Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer, explains how the medical CE impacts the design of exoskeletons and what the benefits are.

User-centered design, the key to exoskeleton acceptability.
In this webinar, Amélie Blondeau, Design Director and Co-founder of Japet, explains how user-centered design ensures the acceptability of exoskeletons.

The 10 keys to a successful integration of exoskeletons in a company
In this webinar, Antoine Noel, President and Co-founder of Japet gives you the 10 keys to successfully integrate an exoskeleton in a company.