Wearable Medicine

Bring Back Health

Wearable Medicine to restore health in every activity

When the body fails and every movement becomes painful, current solutions lead us to limit all activities.

But with technological progress, we can no longer accept such limitations.

By combining medical sciences and modern robotics, Japet has developed Wearable Medicine to restore the body’s balance and unleash man’s capacities.

Embedded medical technologies

Embedded medical technologies


In order to provide the user with a safe and validated solution, no matter his activity or environment, Wearable Medicine includes in its protocols of integration the medical practices used in the hospital.

Robotic textile integration

Robotic textile integration


To create a solution that fits into the user’s daily life, Japet has developed a unique robotic technology incorporated into a textile set, ensuring comfort and adaptability.

Moreover, the constant attention we pay to the user’s experience, guarantees the acceptability and usability of the solutions offered.

Medical grade quality standards

Medical grade quality standards


We do not play with the human body. The solutions impacting the users’ health must meet the most demanding standards. Whether at work or in daily activities, Japet is based on medical grade quality standards, for a product that will not let you down, and will ensure the benefit and safety of the user.

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