Clinician feedback – Pr Vincent Tiffreau, CHU Lille

« The effect of traction is interesting: patients feel lighter, supported, relieved. It’s a pretty amazing feeling. »
Feedback from Professor Vincent Tiffreau, Head of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Lille University Hospital on the use of Japet.C.

Vincent tiffreau CHU Lille

How do you manage chronic low back pain at the Lille University Hospital?

Since it has been proved that active rehabilitation significantly improves the patients’ conditions, we have implemented a rehabilitation programme. For 5 days a week of a 4 to 6 weeks training courses, patients lift weights, climb stairs, crouch down to pick up objects, workout on machines, do physical activity… everything is focused on movements to improve their ability to perform daily and/or professional activities.


How do you currently manage pain?

All the patients follow the same programme, but for those who are in hyperlagic phases, some exercises are personalized or less intensive. It’s important to keep in mind that low back pain and associated pain are multidimensional issues – there are indeed physical factors, but there is also a strong psychosocial dimension. It is important to work on the patient’s fears and beliefs to remove kinesiophobia.


How would you describe the Japet.C exoskeleton, what are the advantages?

The japet.C is a dynamic trunk orthosis. Its first feature is that it applies forces that reduce intervertebral lumbar disc pressure to relieve pain. The second is that the device follows to the patient’s movements to allow trunk mobilization. The japet.C differs from the existing equipment in that it is an embedded device; you can walk around with it, move with an absolute freedom and autonomy. I really like the concept of the device that I can wear and that it is useful for my recovery.


How is Japet.C perceived by patients?

One patient who used the Japet.C told us that she feels that her upper body was being lifted. The effect of the traction is interesting: patients feel lighter, supported, relieved; it is a rather surprising, reassuring feeling.

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