Japet.W exoskeleton: maintaining in employment the workers with a handicap.

You are looking for a solution to maintain in employment an employee who is recognised as a disabled worker for low back pain? Our exoskeleton is the solution.

Medical technology to maintain employees in activity.

1st cause of incapability and 3rd cause of disability admission, low back pain is a widespread disability impacting employees and employers.

This is why we developed in collaboration with spine doctors, the Japet.W exoskeleton.

CE Medical certified, the effectiveness of our medical device on the reduction of pain and lumbar impacts has been clinically validated.

Relieve pain

Relieve pain


By reducing the pressure on the lumbar vertebra, our equipment relieves the user’s pain. Thus, it allows to promote the return to work and maintains in employment workers with a low back disability.

The goal: To restore the worker’s capacities, to relieve him in the performance of his professional activity, and to maintain employment.

Regain mobility

Regain mobility


Against back pain, the right treatment is movement. People with low back pain tend to move less for fear of injury, aggravating their pathology. Thanks to the relief provided by Japet. W, the employee regains confidence in the realisation of his movements.

The goal: To restore the mobility, necessary for the realisation of the professional activity, and to maintain a muscular activity, indispensable for the treatment of the worker’s pathology.

Limit at-risk postures

Limit at-risk postures


The postural support of the lumbar muscles brought by the exoskeleton, secures the operator in his movements, while the restriction of at-risk postures reduces the hazard of occupational accidents.

The goal: To secure the employee in the performance of his or her professional activity and avoid the risk of injury at work.

These employees have been equipped


“I wouldn’t be able to work without the exoskeleton.”

Pascal Rousselot
Field technician, ENGIE COFELY

“The exoskeleton is quick and easy to install and once turned on it becomes an integral part of the person.”

Mylène Sacco
Vendor, Décathlon

“I don’t have any more pain, it has transformed my professional life and my private life.”

Jean-François Craipeau

Your online diagnosis

You want to ensure that our exoskeleton is the relevant solution for maintaining in employment a worker with a low back pain disability?

Our online diagnosis allows you to check in less than 5 minutes if our exoskeleton meets your needs. By measuring the biomechanical gain, you will be able to evaluate the benefits of its integration.

Frequently Asked Questions

Has the efficacy of the exoskeleton been scientifically proven ?

How much does the exoskeleton weigh?

Is there a risk of muscle loss?

Can the exoskeleton be worn all day ?